I have always enjoyed dating London escorts, but I am beginning to wonder if it is getting too technical. The other day I called a London escort to arrange a date. A sexy voice on the other end of the line, asked me if I had checked out the girl’s schedule online. Well, I have never come across anything like that before. What is wrong with calling up for one-on-one date and the receptionist telling me if the girl is busy or not. I don’t understand that at all I am afraid.
It is not only stuff like that which is beginning to bug me about London escorts. During the years I have dated escorts in London, I have never had to use so many technical terms. A couple of weeks ago, a receptionist was trying to pitch me on a duty date. I said to her that I had heard about them, but I did not know what they involved. She explained that you would end up dating two hot bisexual escorts. I am sure that would have been nice in my younger days, but I am actually 58 years old. It would really be a little bit too much for me.
The other thing that I have heard about recently is something called a nap date. It seems to have come over from the United States with a couple of girls from London escorts who went on holiday there. When I asked my regular girl about a nap date, she says that it basically means that you get the chance to have some fun with a London escort and take a nap afterwards. So many gents around London, sleep badly because of stress she explained. Apparently nap dates are getting to be very popular. I suppose I could handle that.
I don’t know what I think about dominatrix services and stuff like that. Okay, gents probably would like to expand their boundaries but it is certainly not for me. If I had my way, I would like London escorts to focus more on normal one to one dates. I would imagine that more gents are looking for that than anything. All of this other stuff sounds way to advance to me and I am not sure that I would like it all.
It is not cheap to use all London escorts services. If you have found one which is not too modern and technical, I would hang on to that one. I have always maintained that dating should be a personal service and I think that most gents agree with that. Many escort agencies around London are turning it into a kind of Disneyland. Well, I don’t mind meeting up with Cinderella on a date, but I am not sure that I will ever be ready for the rest. I like my dates one-on-one, and appreciate being able to enjoy some delicious female company for a little while. In general, I am pretty sure that is what most of us gents are looking for.